Saturday, July 26, 2008

Friday Flickring through Dance

Hi Everyone

These last couple of weeks have been sooooo full. I read other blogs and wonder how they have time to be creative and blog. Duh! Maybe that's the problem, I should be blogging myself rather than read everyone else's. I think I really enjoy other blogs and find inspiration on the things that I want to do through them.

Here is my flickr friday which I just love. Kate from Picklebums theme this week is in honor of her dancing princesses who sound like they are getting very excited about their lessons. I really enjoyed all of yours. I am not sure what I did differently this week, but didn't get the usual list of links to give the photographers credit. Does anyone know what I did wrong? I usually cut and paste onto my blog but it didn't come up this time???


katef said...

Oh I love your #3.... that looks just like ballet classes here! LOL!
No idea what happened to your list of links.. maybe the mosaic maker was having a bad day??
Oh and I totally get what you are saying about wondering how people have time to blog etc...

PlanningQueen said...

It was a great theme this week. So many beautiful photos to choose from.